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How To Make A Digital Mood Board - with no app!

If you're asking what a digital mood/vision board is, let me tell you! Mood or vision boards are a collection of pictures and texts that represent a certain idea or topic. Pictured above is my 2020 mood board. I use this compilation of pictures and quotes as a representation of what I want my 2020 to look like. Everything that is included has a specific meaning and goal for me. You should love the way it looks, choose what you add carefully and look at it often. Get specific and make a mood board for every aspect of your life, be it health, beauty, finance, anything! If you want to see my February mood board, check out the bottom of this post.

Visualization is the most powerful mind exercises you can do. Have you ever watched The Secret? It's a great place to start if you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction, plus it's on Netflix. If you want to read more about it, guess what my 'grams February book of the month is? Find out here. That's right, I'm working on a book club for us.

So what do you do once you have a vision board? You look at it daily. Set it as your phone's wallpaper. Print it off and tape it to your agenda. Have it easily accessible and really think about how you feel when looking at your board.

If you're still not convinced on why you need one (even though you literally do) please read this Huffpost article.

Now, onto how to make your own digital mood board:

1. Open PowerPoint OR Canva

If you have a Gmail account, use your Google Drive to use Google Slides. Set the format of the slide to blank. If you are using Canva, simply select the size of the board you'd like and open a blank template.

2. Open Pinterest

Pinterest has all the inspiration you'll ever need. And all you have to do is copy and paste.

3. Search for any pictures, quotes, colours, textures, anything at all

Copy the picture you want on your board, go to your blank state and simply hit paste (or <command + v>.

I kid you not, it is that easy. I do this on a desktop and play around with where the photos go as the board fills up. Have fun with it. Make sure you have a decent amount of time to play around with this so it's not rushed. Save this for a rainy day or a super sunny day. Have some Jhene Aiko playing in the background.

I would love it if you shared your boards with me on Instagram by tagging me @AugustBlonde or by using the #AugustBlondeBoard. I plan on making a new board for every month this year so be sure to keep up! I think this will seriously help align our mentality with our goals. This is our year!!

Say hello to my February board:

If you have any questions or are still unsure of how to make a digital board, please DM me or comment below! I want everyone to make a board because it is only beneficial to you and your lifestyle! I love that for us.

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